Comparing Fractions 101
You will complete a variety of different fraction comparison problems. Have fun!
ვიქტორინა - წრეწირი და წრე (Circumference and Circle)
მოდი უკეთ შევისწავლოთ წრეწირი!
Math: Dosage Prescription Practice
*Medication prescriptions for children are measured using weight and the given dosage amounts. Imagine you are a doctor and are administering dosage of the medications. You will be finding how much you will give each patient.**To find the medication dosage simply multiply the dose by the weight to determine the dosage required.*The formula is as follows: __mg x __kg (weight) = __ mg (required dose)
Linear Equation Jeopardy
Pick a category and point value to answer a question about linear equations
Math Review Game Show!
Solve the word problems. The player with the most points wins!!
Exponent test H₂O₂
Testing subscripts and subscripts
Multiplication Flashcards
Practice your multiplication skills to improve your fact fluency!
Algebra Flashcards
algebra 1
Introduction to Geometry
History and Undefined terms in Geometry
Educational Math GameMade By: Saif Saeed, Omar Elhakem, Adam Farahat, Youssef Farahat, Ahmed Bakr