Steines Squid Hunter - Algebra
Students will practice solving basic equations with this game.
Math Review: Inequalities
3.1-3.3 Solving 1-step inequalities
Ratio Review Game
This math review game is focusing on ratio and percent problems. This is to help prepare for the 6th grade math EOG.
zbrajanje i oduzimanje do 20 (Addition and Subtraction)
Memory match: addition and subtraction up to 20
Randomness: California Sports
Pribrojnici i zbroj 2 (Addition)
Memory Match
Week 5 - Exponents and Scientific Notation
Q1 review: Exponents and Scientific Notation
Timeline Of Major Events in U.S. History
Study Guide
Los Números (0 - 500)
Numbers in Spanish
Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Numbers
Multiply or divide to find the correct answer.