Vraagwoorde 2
vraagwoorde 2
Calculus Family
match up and resolve the families of these functions
Μελισσομαθηματικά (Math)
Ένα μελισσοπαιχνίδι για να ακονίσετε το μυαλό σας με γρήγορες πράξεις!
Applications of Integrals
Area under curve, area between two curves, volume of a solid revolution, average value of a function, distance and velocity and acceleration
جمع وطرح الاعداد الافقي
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة
Calcule Cu Inmulțiri
Alege rezultatul corect
Math - Multiplication
ვსწავლობთ გამრავლება-გაყოფას! (Multiply and Divide)
Rapid Math Shooter
Fire at enemies to get a high score.