Vraagwoorde 2
vraagwoorde 2
Calculus Family
match up and resolve the families of these functions
Applications of Integrals
Area under curve, area between two curves, volume of a solid revolution, average value of a function, distance and velocity and acceleration
Basic Knowledge of Math
This game is for grade 12 student to study math game
جمع وطرح الاعداد الافقي
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة
Mini Game for STEM students
Choose the correct answer to gain moves. Match 3 or more vegetables to get the highest score. Good Luck!!!!
Rapid Math Shooter
Fire at enemies to get a high score.
A series of multiple choice questions that allows you to create a musical band of creatures as you answer questions correctly. The questions review unit 7 of calculus AB.
English for Class 1
Kids will love
3T1 - Thử nghiệm Newgame- Math
Ngày 21.11.2021Ôn tập ít hơn, nhiều hơn/gấp lên, giảm đi một số lần.