Chinese and English: Math Vocabulary
Math vocabulary for ESL students featuring clues in Chinese and English.
Multiplication Vocabulary
Know the language of Multiplication
How to Convert from One Unit to Another in the Metric System
In this learning activity you'll practice converting from one metric unit to another.
Think of a stairway with the biggest metric unit at the top and the smallest at the bottom.
Mots Croisés HEC
Teste ton niveau de culture HEC!
Understanding Your Paycheck
Crossword to help you understand the parts of your paycheck!
Maths Vocabulary!
Test your knowledge
What do you know? Current tax
A current tax refresher game
Tell Me What I Am (Math)
State if the number spin in the wheel is a fraction or decimal.
Division Vocabulary
Have an understanding of the basics of long-division, by practicing vocabulary.
Place Value Terms
study terms associated with place value