Memory Match - Fractions, Decimals, Percentages
A matching game...with a twist! match the fractions, decimals and percentages to their corresponding representations.
Tic Tac Toe: 3rd Grade Math Concepts
Review questions for math concepts taught in 3rd grade.
Multiplying Integers Memory Match!
The problems here aren't too basic and are best for mid-higher levels of Multiplying Integers.
Tools to Measure With
Match the tool with what it measures
Fractions - Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic tac toe game with simple questions involving fraction concepts.
Veggie Division Decimals
Divide Decimals - No Remainders Allowed
MATH: Order a Set of Real Numbers ( TEKS 8.2D)
RC1 Readiness Grade: 8 TEK: 8.2D
Order a set of real numbers arising from mathematical and real-world contexts.
Equations with Variables Tic-Tac-Toe
Solving Equations with Variables on one Side
Adding Mixed Numbers
Add Mixed Numbers with unlike denominators and improper fractions