Add and Subtract Positive and Negative Numbers and Fractions
Made By Zak White
Math Revision
Let's see if you still remember what we have learnt in Term 1!
6th Grade Math Jeopardy Game
Jeopardy game
Welcome To Jeopardy - Video Games/Math
It is a fun online game unblocked for all schools.
Become a Math Millionaire
A game about math. Solve the problem and get the answer to be a million dollars!
Decimals Jeopardy
Review for your end of module quiz by playing jeopardy!
Perfect Squares
What is the square root for the number given?
Multiplication Facts of 5-8
This game is help students memorize their multiplication fact of 5's, 6's, 7's and 8's.
Math Game
Fun with math
Calculating Pay
Hourly Pay, Salary, Other Pay Plans, Average Pay, Commission