Veggie Division Decimals
Divide Decimals - No Remainders Allowed
Perfect Squares
What is the square root for the number given?
Adding Mixed Numbers
Add Mixed Numbers with unlike denominators and improper fractions
Multiples of Numbers from 2-9
Chakalaka Addition Edition
An educational game used to provide practise to students learning 2 digit to 1 digit addition and 2 digit to 2 digit addition.
Slithery Multipulcation
You are a snake and you are hungry! One of the foods is poison while the other is not! U have a clue to find the not poisoned food, which is a math game!
Math game
Skybridge Multiplication
2 digits multipication1. 请点击带有正确答案的气球。2. 限时每题各4秒内回答题目。
Tax, Tip, Discount and Markup Chakalaka
SOL 8.4 Review
Single Digit Multiplication Word Problems