Convert Decimal Numbers to Percentages
A decimal number is given, now you change it into a percentage (percent form).
7th Grade Review: Geometry, Math and Measurement
Practice for 7th grade sgo
Grade 7 Ratio Unit
Hunt squids and solidify your learning!
Grade 8 Ratio Unit
Guide the snakes to the correct answer and solidify your learning!
Count it! (Number 3,4,5)
Introduction to Proofs
Introduction to direct and Indirect proofs
Pairing whole numbers to object totals
Mercutio's Multiples: 3s
My python Mercutio is very hungry! He is a picky eater; today he only wants to eat numbers that are multiples of 3. Can you help guide Mercutio towards his food so he can grow big and strong?
Mercutio's Multiples: 4s
My python Mercutio is hungry again! He's still a picky eater, today he will only eat numbers that are multiples of 4! Can you help feed Mercutio so he can grow to be big and strong?*Mercutio's favorite treats are cookies that look like ghosts, so he will give you bonus points every time you feed him one!*
Mercutio's Multiples: 5s
My snake Mercutio is hungry again! He's a picky eater, he will only eat numbers that are multiples of 5! Can you help feed Mercutio so he grows big and strong?*Mercutio's favorite treats are cookies that look like ghosts. He will give you bonus points each time you give him one.*