Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is comprised of five-tiers of human needs, often depicted as a pyramid with our most basic needs at the bottom. Put the hierarchy of needs in order with the most basic need first!
Spin the Wheel of Abnormal Psychology
In this wheel of fortune game, you'll review the common vocabulary of abnormal psychology.
Countries and Capitals
You'll practice matching countries with their capitals.
Emotional & Social Development in Middle Childhood
You're asked to match terms and definitions related to emotional & social development in middle childhood.
Bob's Psychological Diagnosis
Help Bob match these psychological diagnosis terms and definitions together. If you don't, he knows where you live.
Psychological Disorder Matching
Match these psychological disorder terms to their definitions.
Cultural Terminology
Match the cultural terms with the appropriate definitions
Cultural Exchange: Poland
You'll learn interesting facts and trivia about Poland.
Time management puzzle
Putting the correct pieces together to best manage your time
Communication In The Workplace
Match your answers to learn more about Communication in the Workplace!