Answer the questions to learn about Israel?
Order the Commandments
Since this game can only order the first nine commandments. The Tenth is: You shall not covet your neighbors wife, his manservant or maidservant, his ox or his donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor..
1840s Presidents of the U.S.
Put the presidents in the right order, from who ran first, to last.
Land Bridge
Put these events of the Asian hunters crossing the land bridge in correct order.
The Neolithic Age
Put the following events from the Neolithic Age in order. Think about cause and effect as you work.
Japan Under the Shogun
Domestigriculture Quiz Bowl
This quiz bowl will consist of 10 questions about the domestication of animals and agricultural villages.
De Abrahamitiska religionerna (The Abrahamic Religions)
Du väljer ämne och svårighetsgrad genom att trycka på en ruta 100-500 under ett ämne. Den spelare som först trycker på sin figur får svara på frågan och har sedan några sekunder på sig att svara. Svarar man rätt får man välja en ny fråga. Svarar man fel får den som senast svarade rätt välja en ny fråga.
Korak_6 - Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Chinese Food and Culture
Isumi created this game about Chinese food and culture.