Circular Economy Bingo!
Bioeconomy and circular economy concepts
Health Insurance Millionaire
Health Insurance Terms Review
Health Insurance Rapid Fire
Health Insurance Vocabulary Review
Chinese Imperialism
World History Chinese Imperialism
Economics: Elasticity
Elasticity in Economics
Economic Studies Bingo
To become familiar with words based from Economic Studies.
Demand, Supply and Equilibrium
All questions in this topic have been covered in lecture 2 and 3. You can get the answer from handout material as well as textbook. By the end of this activity, students are able to grab some fundamentals on demand, supply and equilibrium.
EPF Chapter 5: The Banking System
Review questions related to checking accounts, savings accounts, and other banking services
¿Cuánto sabes de insights, personas y observaciones?
Este es un juego para medir cuanto sabes acerca de insights, personas y observaciones. Intenta contestar bien todas la preguntas. Puedes apoyarte de bonos como preguntar a la audiencia, eliminar la mitad o un tercio de las preguntas, ¡pero ojo! solo puedes usarlos una vez.
Bingo estructura de la PYME Equipo 1
Bingo con términos de todo el curso de Estructura de la PYME