Name that State!
Match the capital with the correct state.
Colonization and American Revolution
US History STAAR Review Game
Capitali Europee
Indovina la risposta esatta
الوطن العربي (The Arab World)
اسإلة عامة عن الوطن العربي
Vrzak Canada Study - Bee Game
Read the directions and play the game.
History Map Mastery 1-2
Let's test your knowledge of the locations on the maps that you have studied in Chapter 1. The questions will start out easy and continually get more difficult.
Antarctic Animal Quiz
How much do you know about the animals of Antarctica?
Antarctica Timeline
Can you place the Antarctic events in the correct order?
Latihan Kata Kerja (Malay)
Baca dan cari kamus, tulis makna dalam kosa kata dan pilih jawapan.生字抄在kosa kata 里。
Texas History 1845-1865
Put the following events in chronological order