Bingo! Show Us What You Know about the U.S.A.!
A game to help our ELLs learn more about the United States and Wisconsin!
Branches of U.S. Government
Test your knowledge about the 3 branches of U.S. Government.
U.S. Constitution Review
Review your knowledge of the basics of the U.S. Constitution.
Civic Duties and Responsibilities
Civic Duties and Responsibilities review. Determine if the example given is a duty or responsibility
Presidents #1-10 Squid Hunter Game
Play this game to learn the order of the first 10 U.S. Presidents.
Wisconsin Law- Online Privacy & Social Media
Learn more about online privacy laws in Wisconsin.
Civil War Game
civil war review stuff
Licencias de Derechos de Autor Ejemplos (public copyright licenses)
En este juego deben de escribir la respuesta para ganar los puntos que dice la rueda
Diseño industrial (Industrial Design) Trivia
Responde preguntas antes que otros equipos acerca del tema expuesto, son opción multiple.
Major Battles WWII
Use the clues to determine the Major Battles of WWII