Substance Related and Addictive Disorders
You'll learn about substance abuse and addictive disorders.
Adolescence Terminology Review
A game that will give you a further understanding of adolescence!
Social Psychology: Teaching Tolerance
Answering questions from Longman Academic Reading Series 1. Chapter 5.
Kindness Game
Let's show kindness to one another. Let's go!
Trauma Types: Sexual Abuse
This is an educational and knowledge based game bringing awareness to childhood traumatic stress and abuse.
Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development
Remembering Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development
Experimental Design and Hypothesis Testing Review Game
This is meant to be a fun review game for some of the key concepts covered regarding hypothesis testing and experimental design.
Permainan Inovasi (2.0)
Kesan atau akibat yang berkemungkinan berlaku sekiranya semua pihak tidak menggalas tanggungjawab untuk memastikan kanak-kanak dan remaja memperoleh manfaat daripada kebanjiran sumber teknologi yang ada di segenap persekitaran kehidupan mereka dari sudut perspektif Islam berdasarkan dalil al-Quran dan as-Sunnah.Permainan ini melibatkan hal-hal penggunaan teknologi namun masih mengikutf syariatf Islam. Para pemain boleh mencari maklumat tentang penggunaan teknologi dalam Islam.
Language Development: Chapter 6
Review of information from Language Development: Chapter 6.
Medical / Psychiatric Care Final Prep Buzzer
To help ValleyAcademy Instructor candidates prepare for the final exam.