Branches of Psychology
This game is a review activity for a grade 10 Psychology class.
Psychological Disorders
Try your best! Take screenshots of your results to share with me!
Musculoskeletal System learning game
match the terms with definitions
Ethos, Pathos, Logos Memory Review
A review of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
Don't be a Cyberbully
Answer these questions correctly to win the game!
Autores Pruebas Psicológicas (psychological tests)
Ap Psychology Study Game
This game is for studying for the Ap Psychology final.
AP Psychology Review Game
Matching Definitions with there terms
AP Phychology Review (First Semester)
Goes over History & Approaches, Brain & Bio, Sensation & Perception, Learning, and Memory & Cognition
AP Psych Extra Credit Game
A game to remember different AP psych terms