Idioms Are Hard
Match the meaning with the idiom. Earn points!
Arkisia tilanteita (Everyday Situations)
Miten seuraavissa tilanteissa kannattaisi toimia?
Who Does It? Roles and Responsibilities
This games is about the roles and responsibilities of each member of the family.
Betul atau salah? (Right or Wrong)
Semoga berjaya
Past Tenses Upper-Intemrediate
Choose the correct option.
Building People Up
teach kids about building people up or knocking them down with this game!
PHONICS (The letter combination 'dge')
Choose the correct answers to help the bee going to beehaive.
Effective Communication to Lead
group 5
2020 Trivia!
Let's recap the year before it is over!
Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Differences between the simple present tense vs present continuous tense.