The Eight Net Gen Norms
Hint: Speed Accounts for One - Instant!
Complete the crossword below
SOCIOLOGY 205 Lessons 2 & 3
Game incorporating content from lesson 2 (theory) and 3 (theory cont.)
Conflict Resolution-Crossword
Sociology: SOCI 205 Education
Education Section
Inventori Ketagihan Internet (Internet Activity in Malay Language)
Melihat sejauh mana ketagihan internet anda berdasarkan 5 soalan.
French Revolution
This is a "True or False" game provided for testing the knowledge about the french revolution. Hope this game will help you recall the history of the french revolution -3-
Family in Vietnamese - Gia đình
Match the cards about family
Lock - Down Crossword
The times that we are facing today are serious. Lock - down is a now a cure. To make these lonely times interesting, here is a short crossword puzzle about today's times to keep you busy. Stay safe!
Transportation in Modern Times
solve the crossword taking hints from the given clues.