The Eight Net Gen Norms
Hint: Speed Accounts for One - Instant!
Complete the crossword below
Roles Aprendizaje (Collaborative Learning)
Juego de bingo para la asignatura de ATIC correspondiente a la parte de los roles que se establecen en el aprendizaje colaborativo
Conflict Resolution-Crossword
Kata Adjektif (Adjectives in Malay)
Kenal pasti perasaan saya berdasarkan penyataan dengan perkataan yang sesuai dan ejaan yang betul.
Lock - Down Crossword
The times that we are facing today are serious. Lock - down is a now a cure. To make these lonely times interesting, here is a short crossword puzzle about today's times to keep you busy. Stay safe!
Transportation in Modern Times
solve the crossword taking hints from the given clues.
Guess the word.
Participants must put the correct word according to the description.
Giving Definition Hangmoon
Hangmoon is a one-player game. There is no limit to the number of questions that may be written for a game. Players guess the phrase and letters. If the learner makes too many incorrect guesses, the grim reaper appears. Guess the following words.
Consumer Goods (Overcoming The Bad)
Use the clues to complete the crossword Puzzel