Emotional & Social Development in Middle Childhood
You're asked to match terms and definitions related to emotional & social development in middle childhood.
Educational Inequality Vocabulary
This game will review vocabulary about educational inequality.
Biboletova 9th form
Match the words and their definitions.
Cultural Competency
Physical Therapist Practice I: Cultural Competency
Physical Barriers to Communication Technology
Handling physical barriers when using mobile phones and radios
Crime Academic Vocabulary Slither
Some terms used in discussions of crime
Rise of the Robots
Test your knowledge of fictional robots
Total Defence
Match the correct pillar to the description.
Dealing With Bullies
In an effort to reduce instances of bullying in elementary schools, this game teaches children what to do when they are being bullied and how to handle a situation in which someone else is being bullied.
Komunikācijas modeļi - Communicaton Models (Latvian)
Spēle veidota par komunikācijas modeļu tēmu. Spēlē ietverti dažādi jautājumi par šo tēmu, ar mērķi atkārtot un uzlabot zināšanas par šo tēmu.