Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is comprised of five-tiers of human needs, often depicted as a pyramid with our most basic needs at the bottom. Put the hierarchy of needs in order with the most basic need first!
Events for Adult Justice System Part 1
Order the events from arrest to conviction
Putting the Parts of the Catholic Mass in Order
Put the parts of the Mass in Order.
Events for Adult Justice System Part 2
Order the events of a trial
Order the Commandments
Since this game can only order the first nine commandments. The Tenth is: You shall not covet your neighbors wife, his manservant or maidservant, his ox or his donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor..
Mormon Church History Events
Put these events in the right order!
El secreto de la llama (The secret of the flame)
El secreto de la llama by Argentina Palacios (Author)
Put the events from the story in correct order! Play again to see more events!
Bloom Volgorde (Bloom's Taxonomy in Dutch)
Plaats de cognitieve processen in de volgorde die geven wordt door de nummering van de taxonomie.
1840s Presidents of the U.S.
Put the presidents in the right order, from who ran first, to last.
Ordering Elements of the Income Statements
Order the elements of the Income Statements