Crime Academic Vocabulary Slither
Some terms used in discussions of crime
Name that Branch (of Government)
Test your knowledge of the three branches of U.S. government.
Civic Duties and Responsibilities
Civic Duties and Responsibilities review. Determine if the example given is a duty or responsibility
Southeast Region Review
Ms. B's SS
U.S. Postal Codes and State Abbreviations
Learn the U.S. Postal Abbreviations
Urbanization and Environment: Hunt the Squid!
Arg! Welcome to Hunt the Squid, a Game to review for Urbanization and Environment chapters for SOCI 205 in TAMUG. You're objective: hunt the invasive squids to protect the local city: saving the environment and preventing urban decay! Are you ready? Let's Play!
Presidents #1-10 Squid Hunter Game
Play this game to learn the order of the first 10 U.S. Presidents.
Political Parties and Elections Flashcards
SS.7.C.2.8, SS.7.C.2.9, SS.7.C.2.7
Spanish Colonization
Play the game to practice your new vocabulary words for this unit. Quiz is coming soon!
Land of Ancient Egypt
Where they lived, farmed and worked