Hex Music
Converting hexadecimal, binary and decimal numbers.
Chinese and English: Math Vocabulary
Math vocabulary for ESL students featuring clues in Chinese and English.
Multiplication Vocabulary
Know the language of Multiplication
Reverse Distributive Property
Find the equivalent expressions.
Parallel Lines
An equation of a line and a point is given. Your job is to find a parallel line to the equation that goes through the given point.
Creating and Solving Linear Equation
Solve linear equation problems in order to get more moves to match the vegetables.
3rd Grade Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value
Addition, Subtraction, Properties of Addition, Rounding to the tens and hundreds place, and Estimation.
Multiplication and Division with large numbers.
Answer questions correctly to make music and get new band members.
Remainder and Factor
Solve for the remainder and factors of the polynomials
Around the Circle
Identify the different parts of a circle along with the terms associated with it.