Addition Balloon Shot
You have to get to a certain amount of points by adding the numbers
გამრავლება-გაყოფა (Multiplication & Division)
სწრაფად ითამაშეთ და გაუზიარეთ სხვებს
Exponent test H₂O₂
Testing subscripts and subscripts
Dividing Decimals
Questions surrounding dividing decimals by whole numbers.
Math Review
This game will be over multiplication, Fractions, Area & Perimeter, and Geometry
Multiplying and Dividing Integers
A review game before the final multiplying and dividing fractions test.
რიცხვებზე მოქმედებები 20-ის ფარგალში
იპოვე სპორი პასუხი
Solving Simple Equations
Gra zadania tekstowe (Math Word Problems)
Powyższa gra składa się z 10 zadań tekstowych z dodawania I odejmowania w zakresie 100. Przed rozpoczęciem uszykuj kartkę i długopis do obliczeń. Powodzenia.