Scratch Review
Review of Scratch, a visual programming language and online community.
Decision Making Vocabulary part 2
Decision making vocabulary
Cyber Security = High IQ
Cyber security is very important!
الصيغ الرياضية (Mathematical formulas)
IT subject - Time out game for grade six students.
طبقة النقل (IT The transport layer)
اختبر معرفتك بالطبقة الرابعة من طبقات البيانات، طبقة النقل. The transport layer is the fourth layer of the OSI model
Cybersecurity (CRJS 405) Game
Cybersecurity Game that tests your knowledge!
Linux Commands: file contents
Linux shortcuts and commands
Technology for grade 12
Coding Study Tool - Jeopardy Edition
Some studying tool for computer coding and technology pioneers
Computer Hardware and Software
Computer Hardware/Software and command line review for Final exam