Properties of Exponents: Multiplication Rule - Set 2
You'll practice solving problems using the rule for multiplying powers with the same base.
Rounding Decimal Numbers
You'll practice rounding decimal numbers.
Angles: Special Relationships
You'll apply facts about relationships between angles.
Polygons: Basic Terminology
You'll practice identifying polygons and parts of polygons.
Perimeter of Polygons
You'll learn to calculate the perimeter of polygons.
Area of a Parallelogram
You'll practice calculating the area, base, or height of a rectangle when given the other two measurements.
Area of a Ring (Annulus)
You'll learn to calculate the area of a ring (annulus).
Prisms: Basic Terminology
You'll define terms related to prisms and identify prisms and their parts.
Basic Angle Terminology and Facts
You'll be introduced to terminology associated with angles and be able to demonstrate knowledge about angles.
Subtraction of Integers
You'll practice subtracting integers.