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The Study of Ecology

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Chapter 52 review for Bio213

Created Date 05.29.20
Last Updated 05.29.20
Viewed 120 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Ecology is the scientific study of interaction between ______ and the environment.
  • The input of solar energy and Earth’s revolution around the sun determines the ______ ______ patterns.
  • What kind of factor (examples: water, light, temperature) determine microclimates?
  • __ is the living components of the environment
  • What kind of gas concentration is contributing to the warming of the earth and affecting some species?
  • Water evaporates and warm, wet air masses flow from the tropics toward the ___.
  • What climate is moderate by the oceans currents and large lakes?
  • Body of waters moderate climate due to the _____ _____, giving it a high specific heat.
  • A storm, human activity, a fire are events that changes a community called _____
  • Major factors like temperature and precipitation are affecting the distribution of _____.
  • The largest terrestrial biome is _______ _______.
  • Decomposers work the most efficient and fast in the _____ _____ biome.
  • When lakes become populated with decomposition of dead algae and cyanobacteria, fish are not able to live in the water due to the depletion of _____ .
  • The importance of _____ brings oxygen rich water to the bottom and nutrients rich to the surfaces of temperate lakes.
  • Tiny animals and immature stages of larger animals that float in the sea.
  • Tiny microscopic marine algae that float.
  • Biomes that have these characteristics: grasses and scattered trees, seasonal rainfalls/dry seasons, warm year-round, plants species that are fire-adapted, animals that are mostly herbivores.
  • Biomes that have these characteristics: permafrost, very cold temperature year-round, high winds, little rain, NO trees or tall plants, lichens and mosses, migrating animals.
  • Biomes that have these characteristics: dense and spiny evergreen shrubs dominate the area, coastal area, rainy winters, long, hot and dry summers, plants are drought and fire adapted, and support animals like amphibians, birds, insects.
  • ______ is the movement of organisms from centers of high density or from center of origin to other environments.