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Its a reading comprehension game

Created Date 07.21.20
Last Updated 07.22.20
Viewed 12 Times
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Topics of this game:
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  • Addiction to social media can cause all of these, except:
  • Khanh always scored good grades all the time
  • "Social media addiction is not a real addiction, it is not recognized by the health world"
  • Which of the following statement is true?
  • Choose the right answer to fill in the blank. Amanda's mother bought her phone on her..........................
  • These are the following behaviour change Amanda had except:
  • "21st generation is growing with Good mornings in social media and Goodnight through social media" What does the statement above infer?
  • When did Amanda become addicted to social media?
  • Where did Amanda notify her friends online during vacation?
  • 4. Every day, students come to class to discuss their social media _____.
  • How the usage of social media affect the exam grades?
  • What are the positive effects of social media?
  • Social media provided much information. However .....
  • "Many relationships have the signature of social media contribution." from the statement above we know that