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Finding the Perimeter Combining Like Terms

| See more in Algebra

Get to the honey pot by answering the questions correctly! There may be some distributive property questions in here!

Created Date 08.26.20
Last Updated 08.28.20
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • How many sides do you have in a triangle?
  • To find perimeter, you must ____________ all sides together.
  • Squares are a special case of perimeter. All the sides are ______________________
  • A square with perimeter 4x + 8 has a side length of
  • Another way of writing the perimeter of the square whose side is equal to 2x - 5 is ____
  • The formula for the perimeter, P, of a square with one side labeled x is: ___________
  • A rectangle has two sides labeled: one is 4x and the other 5x. What is the perimeter?
  • The UNIVERSALLY KNOWN formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is:
  • In the formula for perimeter of a rectangle, P = 2L + 2W, where do the 2's come from?