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The secret, tan tan taaaan.

| See more in Political Science

A game similar to "Who wants to be a billionaire". You will find different types of questions, from basic to challenging. By Sarilvia Torrivas.

Created Date 09.02.20
Last Updated 09.03.20
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • BASIC: Which are the three main characters
  • BASIC 2: How are the robots called?
  • BASIC: From where is the industrial empire?
  • MEDIUM: How did they find Grave?
  • MEDIUM: Where was the laboratory on the catacombs?
  • MEDIUM: Which animal was the one they invented with new technology?
  • MEDIUM: What was the name of the teenager that escaped from the floating city?
  • MEDIUM: What was the thing that the community thought about Grave?
  • CHALLENGING: What did they do with Grave when they found him?
  • CHALLENGING: What was cultivated into a side passage of the catacombs?
  • CHALLENGING: What was Grave's ending?
  • CHALLENGING: How did they go to the floating city?
  • CHALLENGING: What do they risk trying to help their crew?
  • CHALLENGING: Who was Eleanor?
  • CHALLENGING: What did the envelop said?