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Building Connections - Symbolism and Meaning

| See more in Literature

Match symbols and construct meaning, we think about what it all could mean? How do writers and directors convey meaning and hint at underlying themes and issues? Lets find out by linking up themes and symbols with meanings and ideas.

Created Date 09.13.20
Last Updated 09.14.20
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Romance, Beauty, Love, Compassion, Sensitivity, Content, Soft, Feminine
  • Life, Growth, Environment, Money, Freshness, Jealousy, Pride, Healing
  • Yes, Protection, Love, Purity, Peace, Humility, Youth, Birth, Winter, Good
  • Royalty, Wealth, Class, Prestige, Special, Riches, Prosperity, Grandeur
  • No, Death, Evil, Mystery, Formality, Sophistication, Fear, Anger, Sadness
  • Faith, Loyalty, Peace, Unity, Trust, Security, Sky, Water, Depression, Cold
  • Anger, Passion, Desire, Excitement, Energy, Power, Heat, Love, Danger
  • Wisdom, Knowledge, Relaxation, Joy, Dishonesty, Cowardice, Betrayal, Ilness
  • Humor, Energy, Balance, Warmth, Enthusiasm, Vibrant, Expansive, Flamboyant
  • Earth, Home, Outdoors, Comfort, Natural, Stability, Simplicity
  • Riches, Glamorous, Distinguished, Earthy, Natural, Sleek, Elegant, High-Tec