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Bio 1B Exam 1 Review

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Exam Review

Created Date 09.15.20
Last Updated 09.18.20
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • True or false: Cyanobacteria appeared on the earth before eukaryotic cells.
  • Natural Selection acts on
  • Morphological structures that have a common ancestor, but perform a different function are considered
  • Which of the following are considered analogous structures?
  • Two elk bucks fight each other for the chance to mate with a female. This is an example of
  • Peahens typically choose to mate with peacocks who have bright, colorful, impressive tails. This is an example of
  • Who believed in inheritance of acquired characteristics?
  • During which period did the dinosaurs and mammals appear?
  • Cyanobacteria produce what as a product of photosynthesis?
  • Which of the following is the best example of natural selection?
  • Which of the following does NOT introduce new genetic variation into a population?
  • Polyploidy is a mechanism of which type of speciation?
  • Hybrid sterility, inviability, and breakdown are all examples of which kind of barrier?
  • Horizontal gene transfer is most common among
  • If a lizard was born with only 3 legs. What is likely the reason that the fourth leg did not grow?
  • The relationship between mitochondria and chloroplasts supports which phenomenon?
  • A population of white rhinos in West Africa were hunted to near extinction until a wildlife conservation group stepped in and allowed the herd to recover their numbers. Which form of genetic drift likely took place?
  • A hox gene for an ear taken from a rabbit and placed on a mouse embryo leg will result in...
  • Mules are a cross between a horse and a donkey. They are never (or very rarely) fertile. What post zygotic barrier is this?
  • The first non-living structures that evolved into living cells with a membrane boundary are known as...
  • The largest mass extinction event on earth was the...
  • The concept that the fewest number of evolutionary steps is most likely is known as...
  • Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of sympatric speciation?
  • Who came up with the uniformitarianism hypothesis?
  • True or false: individuals must adapt to their environment over the span of their lifetime.