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Multicultural Foods Chapters 3 & 4

| See more in Sociology

Cultural communication and religion identity

Created Date 10.06.20
Last Updated 10.07.20
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Religion that has two main sects, Theravada and Mahayana
  • Founder of Buddhism
  • Permitted food under Islam
  • Holy Book of Islam
  • Origin of Jewish dietary law, the kashrut.
  • A concept that many Hindus follow that avoids causing pain to animals.
  • The most popular religion word-wide
  • Person who lead the creation of most Protestant faiths.
  • Low-context cultures generally value:
  • Religious book that tells the stories of two bands of Israelite, who settled in the Americas, and were visited by Christ.
  • Sect of Christianity in which many members are vegetarians or lacto-octo vegetarians.
  • A term to describe the nature of conversation; how conversation moves.
  • Context in verbal communication can be described by all of the following statements except:
  • Low-context communication features:
  • Cultures that are generally avoidant of change are described to have high levels of
  • In general, cultures with high-context communication styles:
  • All of the following are examples of non-verbal communication except:
  • Ineffective healthcare communication can result in
  • When using an interpreter, the healthcare provider should still speak directly to the client.
  • Are standardized height and weight growth curves applicable to everyone?
  • Are interviews or surveys better at capturing the nutritional intake of a client.
  • When communicating inter-culturally, which questions are generally more effective?
  • Are strategies that emphasize continuation of positive cultural food patterns rather than eliminating certain foods beneficial?
  • Triangulation is:
  • An example of low-context communication style is:
  • Which religion(s) do not generally fast?
  • Word that describes the Supreme Being of Hinduism in which other gods are partial manifestations of.