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Pros and Cons Consequence of Changing the Environment

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Students will determine if changing the environment is a pro or con to the environment

Created Date 10.12.20
Last Updated 10.13.20
Viewed 5 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A wetland is drained to create farmland.
  • A dam is built and causes soil to be washed away (erosion)
  • A farmer uses fertilizer to add nutrients to the soil to help crops grow.
  • Roads and highways are built to help transport goods to market
  • Trees are cut down and animals lose their habitat.
  • Wet lands act like giant sponges and reduces flooding.
  • Building a dam creates a large lake good for boating and fishing.
  • A farmer uses pesticides and kills good bugs like ladybugs.
  • Ohio builds highways, and roadways which increases pollution in the air.
  • Ohio forests are playgrounds for people who like to hike and camp.
  • Wetlands filter water which makes it cleaner for animals and people.
  • A dam is built which creates cheap electricity for the community.
  • When trees are cut down, they can no longer filter and clean our air.
  • Farmer uses herbicides to kill unwanted weeds.
  • Building towns and cities create jobs for homes and jobs for people.
  • Wetlands are drained and animal habitat is destroyed.
  • Cutting down trees allows people to make and sell items in the wood industry.
  • Pesticides and Herbicides can get into puddles and your pet could drink it.
  • When a highway was built, it covered an important historic Indian site.
  • Wetlands help to prevent soil erosion.
  • A dam is built and water is stored for drinking water and the irrigation of crops.
  • Forests are cut down so people can build places for homes, farms and stores.
  • A farmer uses herbicides and it runs off into a pond; algae grows like crazy.
  • Ohio becomes an major transportation center because of its location in the U.S.
  • Half of Ohio's wetlands have been destroyed.
  • Building a dam helps to prevent flooding.
  • By 1900, most of Ohio's forest have been cut down.
  • Eagles are eating polluted fish from pesticides and their eggs are not hatching chicks.
  • Ohio's canals and roadways help industry transport the goods the grow and make.
  • Wetlands are homes for fish, water birds, mammals, and insects.
  • Creating a dam can cause the extinction of fish and other water species.
  • Today, nearly one-third of Ohio is again forestland because of replanting.
  • A farmer uses pesticides to kill unwanted insects.
  • Hills and valleys are bulldozed to create roads and cities; this causes erosion.
  • Old dams are being taken out return the land to its former self.
  • Forest are great views for sightseers and photographers. Click!
  • The tomatoes you got from the farmer have pesticides sprayed on them.
  • Ohio's towns and cities grew larger because of it was able to transport its many goods.
  • Building more and more highways and roads can make use more dependent on cars.
  • Farmers are able to grow food for the growing population of the United States.
  • A dam can help store water for a drought.
  • Forest create a great place to go hunting.
  • Using fertilizer helps a plant to grow larger.
  • The many roads and highways can create traffic jams.
  • When settlers came to Ohio, it had 5 million acres of wetlands.
  • A cow eats plants that have been sprayed with herbicide and its milk is poisoned.