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Pneumothorax: Squid Hunter Game

| See more in Biology

Harpoon the Squid and answer the questions to gain points

Created Date 11.24.20
Last Updated 11.30.20
Viewed 7 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is a Spontaneous Pneumothorax?
  • Conditions such as Cholecystitis can cause a Pneumothorax: True or False?
  • What is a Pneumothorax?
  • What is the difference between a Tension and a Simple Pneumothorax?
  • What is always seen peripherally in the thorax when there is a pneumothorax?
  • What is the common name for the Thorax?
  • Asymmetry in the Apices of the lungs can be seen in a pneumothorax: True or False?
  • A GP Patient has a pneumothorax on their Chest X-ray- What do you do?
  • Conditions such as Asthma, Emphysema and COPD can cause a pneumothorax: True or False?
  • A Simple Pneumothorax is far more life threatening than a Tension pneumothorax: True or False?