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Context Clues

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Test your ability to find the right word for the context clue given in the brackets [ ]

Created Date 12.16.20
Last Updated 12.17.20
Viewed 25 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Mom was too busy to go to the store herself so she sent me to [acquire] what she needed for dinner.
  • Today was a completely [abnormal] school day because half of the kids were out sick.
  • The little girl's giggles were an [epidemic], and soon the entire group was laughing.
  • I thought I saw a man wandering through the snow, but he didn't leave any tracks. I guess he was just a [figment] of my imagination
  • The doctor always [admonishes] Aunt Thelma to stop smoking
  • The hail [pelted] the roof.
  • My knitting lessons were [fruitless]. I ended up accidentally knitting a sweater with three arms!
  • The author liked her privacy, so she wished to remain [anonymous].
  • The sergeant [bellowed] orders to the new soldiers.
  • The mirror is so [grimy] you can't see your own reflection.
  • Jeff was just trying to give you some help. He didn't mean to [antagonize] you or make you cry.
  • My grandparents [quibble] all of the time. Most times the fights start over the silliest things, like what color of napkins to use!
  • My dad is an [upright] man; he never lies to me and always wants to help others.
  • The [vicious] pit-bull attacked the rat.
  • After Marvin lost his job, he went home and stayed in bed for two days. He was completely [dejected].
  • The wizard used dark magic to [conjure] an army of ghosts.
  • The Red Cross is [soliciting] donations so they can help all the earthquake victims.
  • We were planning on staying home last weekend, but we ended up travelling to Chicago on a [whim].
  • It [perturbed] him that his hair was turning gray. He was only twelve, after all.
  • The queen hired a taste tester to make sure her food was free of [toxins] like snake venom or arsenic.
  • I thought you loved your job. Your decision to suddenly quit [flabbergasts] me.
  • My husband thinks aliens built the pyramids and the Great Wall of China, but I think that's just [preposterous].
  • My mom makes the best breakfasts. Lately I have been [yearning] for the French toast she makes.