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Macbeth Review

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Review your knowledge of Act I-V

Created Date 01.31.21
Last Updated 02.01.21
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • How many witches does Macbeth meet in Act I?
  • What is the definition of a Harbinger?
  • What event would you change if Macbeth never met the witches?
  • What are some of the problems with having power?
  • What would happen if Fleance returned in Act V?
  • How would you feel if Macbeth lived?
  • Can you explain what must have happened when they said Lady Macbeth was dead.
  • Can you develop a proposal which would allow Macduff to be King instead of Malcolm?
  • Do you think Power is a good or bad thing?
  • What were behind some of the motives of the witches?
  • Can you create new and unusual uses for the witches?
  • How would you have handled the apparitions coming true?