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How do you like passive voice?

| See more in Communication

We have studied "Passive Voice" for quite a long time, how much do you know about it? How do you like it? We will study the last themes about "Passive Voice".

Created Date 02.26.21
Last Updated 03.02.21
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • How do you recognize a passive sentence ?
  • Can we use passive voice with all tenses?
  • Pay attention to the following passive statements. "Bagpacks were inspected carefully." "Bagpacks got inspected carefully" Do they express a different idea?
  • "Bagpacks were inspected carefully." "Bagpacks got inspected carefully" Are both sentences in passive form ?
  • What's the difference you find in these sentences? "Bagpacks were inspected carefully." "Bagpacks got inspected carefully"