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Wildlife and Wilderness

| See more in Biology

This game will focus on all of the content covered in our wildlife and wilderness unit.

Created Date 03.14.21
Last Updated 03.16.21
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Recall the number of different stages that make up forest succession.
  • Recall the 4 needs of a wildlife animal.
  • How is a domestic animal recognized?
  • How can you classify the difference between a domestic and wildlife animal?
  • Which is an example of a wildlife animal?
  • Which answer explains the correct definition of a habitat?
  • Apply your knowledge to show that you can differentiate traits/characteristics of a wildlife animal vs. a domestic animal.
  • Examine the following wildlife park rules, which seems to make the most sense?
  • Complete the sentence... A ______ is an animal with no parents.
  • I went to a wildlife park and decided to harass the animals that were in captivity. What might have been the ending to this behavior?
  • Categorize the 4 stages of a forest from the highest level of usefulness to the least level of usefulness.
  • Explain what might happen if one component is removed from a habitat?
  • If you were to develop a protocol for helping a wildlife animal in need, which option would be best to include?
  • Critique the following: You are out in a forest a see an animal that is hiding and you notice that is has bald patches as well. Are these symptoms a sign for rabies?
  • You are wandering around in your yard and you notice a nestling has fallen from its nest and you believe it is an orphan. The nestling has signs of lack of appetite, is coughing and is wheezing. Are these signs of an orphaned bird?
  • While on a nature walk, you see a fawn in the distance. You notice that the fawn is showing signs of stress and its ears are curled. Is this a sign of an orphaned fawn?
  • Select the BEST description of an orphaned animal.
  • Identify the most accurate interpretation of wildlife safety.
  • Select the best description of a domestic animal.