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Systems and Cycles Game

| See more in Earth Science


Created Date 03.23.21
Last Updated 03.26.21
Viewed 0 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Name the three cycles studied in class:
  • How are nitrates and ammonia returned to the soil?
  • Plants making their own food is called:
  • Gas changing into liquid is:
  • Liquid changing to gas is called:
  • How many reservoirs does the carbon cycle have?
  • What do sea creatures build using carbonate ions?
  • What are fossil fuels?
  • Name one source of energy that fuels the different parts of the carbon cycle.
  • Name another source of energy that fuels the different parts of the carbon cycle.
  • The Earth has a fixed supply of oxygen. True or false?
  • What are areas that occur in oceans and lakes where nutrient pollution and other factors deplete the oxygen required to support marine life called?
  • Bacteria in the soil changing the nitrogen into ammonia is called:
  • Simple, living organisms that we can not see with the naked eye--are critical to the nitrogen cycle are called:
  • What would happen to life on Earth if the nitrogen cycle didn't exist or suddenly broke down?