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Know Your Learning Theories

| See more in Philosophy

This game will help to refresh you about the different types of Learning Theories.

Created Date 04.03.21
Last Updated 04.07.21
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • A process by which individuals gain new knowledge or skills and change their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and actions.
  • Learning Theorist
  • Types of Learning Theories
  • What factors influence learning?
  • Social learning theory sees learning as?
  • B. F. Skinner is known for his contributions to the development of which learning theory?
  • What theory has to do with memory, knowledge, and processing?
  • The leading theorist on cognitive constructivism is?
  • Which theorist brought about humanistic theory?
  • Which of the following is not a type of learning in behaviorism?
  • Which theorist believed that, while the ages at which children mature vary somewhat, all children go through four stages of cognitive development that occur after certain neurological changes.
  • What belief system is inquiry-based learning, in which learners generate their own knowledge through their experiences and teachers serve only as facilitators, based on?
  • Who are the two constructivists who believed that humans learn by activity?
  • Who believes that human learning is done selectively by observing and instilling into memory the behavior of others?