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Body System Review

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Review of body system functions

Created Date 04.20.21
Last Updated 04.22.21
Viewed 10 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Body system that gives us structure, protects organs, and produces red blood cells.
  • Body system that protects and covers our body (skin, hair, nails). Also helps us to regulate our body temperature.
  • Body system that involves blood transporting oxygen and nutrients to our cells.
  • Body system involved with lungs taking in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.
  • Body system that releases hormones to control growth, development, metabolism etc.
  • Body system that provides movement (voluntary and involuntary).
  • Body system that fights off pathogens (viruses and bacteria) through the use of white blood cells.
  • Body system that sends signals; our body's communication system (brain, spinal cord).
  • Body system that breaks down food (mouth, stomach, intestines).
  • Body system that removes waste from the body (like the kidneys and bladder).
  • Body system that produces sex cells and is involved in male/female development.
  • The smallest level of organization in the human body (basic unit of life).