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Physics 202

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Trivia of general physics 202 topics.

Created Date 04.26.21
Last Updated 04.27.21
Viewed 8 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Would the period of a pendulum be smaller or greater on earth compared to the moon?
  • A wave transfers ___, but does not transfer ___.
  • The energy a wave carries is dependent on its speed and ___.
  • Which action would result in an increase in the speed of sound in the air?
  • Atoms in a ___ do not hold their electrons tightly.
  • Electric fields point in the direction ...
  • There is ____ electric field inside a conductor at equilibrium.
  • ___ is the ability to store charge.
  • ___ is the difference in electric potential between the ends of a battery.
  • __ is the same everywhere in a single loop.
  • Magnetic fields exert forces on...
  • With reflection, the angle of incidence __ the angle of reflection.
  • Which equation is used to determine the refraction of a light ray.
  • A ___ focal length of an eyepiece will result in a greater magnification.
  • Nearsightedness can be corrected with a __ lens.