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Early Republic and the Age of Jackson

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STAAR Review

Created Date 05.03.21
Last Updated 05.03.21
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • First President of the US who warned against factionalism and entangling alliances
  • Washington's Secretary of State and later President
  • Washington's Secretary of the Treasury and Founder of the First national Bank
  • The institution set up by Alexander Hamilton to handle the nations finances
  • The political party to which Thomas Jefferson belonged which supported an agricultural based economy and trade
  • An uprising against liquor taxes Put down by George Washington
  • The second President of the US who signed the Alien and Sedition Acts
  • The way the government deals with issues dealing with other countries
  • The way that the government deals with issues within its own borders
  • A term meaning to keep the country safe which can deal with both foreign and domestic issues
  • The term meaning that the court system can uphold or overturn actions of the other two branches
  • A term meaning to force people into military service most often used in regards to the Navy
  • A tax on imports intended to make domestic goods cheaper than foreign goods
  • A term meaning that something is not allowed
  • Two laws signed by John Adams making it more difficult for foreigners to enter the country and making it illeg
  • The President's advisory body
  • The Cabinet member in charge of Foreign policy
  • The Cabinet member in charge of Financial policy
  • The President whose term included the War of 1812
  • The President who Issued a Doctrine telling Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere
  • The term Washington used to describe political parties
  • The term Washington used to describe being so friendly with other Nations that we get involved in wars
  • The case in which the Supreme Court gave itself the power of Judicial Review
  • The case in which the Supreme Court upheld Federal Supremacy over Interstate Trade
  • The case in which the Supreme Court Upheld Federal Supremacy in regards to Taxation and the National Bank
  • The year of the Louisiana Purchase
  • A conflict during Madison's term caused by British Impressment and causing America to expand manufacturing
  • A law prohibiting the purchasing of goods from a particular country
  • The First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  • The treaty ending the War of 1812
  • A law laying out how new territory should be measured and divided and how new states could be added to the US
  • puting the interests of your own nation above all others often characterized by a dislike of foreigners
  • to remove the country, as much as possible, from participating in world trade and world politics
  • A term describing things having to do with farms and farming
  • A term describing the creation of finished goods from raw materials
  • court decided that Native Tribes should be treated as Sovereign Nations and could not be forcibly removed
  • Elected officials award government appointments and jobs to their supporters regardless of qualifications
  • Term meaning to allow more people to vote
  • The Native American Tribe that attempted to use the Court System to keep their lands
  • The son of a former president who became president himself in the "Corrupt Bargain"
  • known for his ability to create compromises in Congress
  • The territory the Native American were forcibly moved to.
  • The president known for supporting the "Common man" whos term of office included the Indian Removal Act
  • The name Jackson gave to the Election of 1824 in which John Quincy Adams was made president by congress
  • The group of representatives that actually elects the President in the US system
  • event in which North Carolina attempted to ignore or dispose of a federal tariff during Jackson's Term
  • Jackson's Vice President who left office over the Nullification Crisis
  • The name we give to the forced march of the Cherokee to Oklahoma
  • The battle where Jackson first became famous
  • Land owned by the US which is not part of a state.
  • A scandal during Adams term in which 3 French diplomats requested a bribe from the American delegates
  • A term meaning for one nation to discuss issues or have relationships with other nations.
  • The name of the group, headed by Lewis and Clark, sent out to explore and map the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Between the US and Spain in which the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase was set and Florida aquired
  • The term meaning that the laws and powers of the US are above those of the individual states