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PASS Review #2 (Grade 2)

| See more in Earth Science

This will serve as your reviewer for PASS test. Enjoy!

Created Date 05.04.21
Last Updated 05.06.21
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • To which group of invertebrates does a sea star belong?
  • Which statement about mollusks and arthropods is true?
  • Which group of invertebrates makes up the largest group of animals on Earth?
  • Which invertebrates swim when they are young but stay in one spot when they are adults?
  • Where would you most likely find a sand dollar?
  • Why are invertebrates so important to the natural world?
  • What is a living thing?
  • Which list has only non-living things?
  • What is the meaning of cells in plants and animals?
  • If somethings moves, does that mean it is a living thing?
  • Do living things respond to the world around them?
  • Do living things grow and develop?
  • Do non-living things use energy?
  • Which two words are opposite?
  • What do plants need to live?
  • Do trees have stems?
  • Which plant part makes seeds?
  • Which plant part takes in water and helps hold the plant in place?
  • How do plants get food?
  • Why do plants need leaves?
  • Which one of these does not come from a plant?
  • How are plants and animals alike?
  • Why do we have senses?
  • Which part of the body gives us the sense of sight?
  • Where do your senses send information?