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PASS Review #3 (Grade 3)

| See more in Earth Science

This will serve as your reviewer for PASS Test.

Created Date 05.04.21
Last Updated 05.06.21
Viewed 3 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Movement is push or pull that cause an object to move, stop, or change direction.
  • Motion is the change in position of any object with respect to its reference point.
  • Motion has both distance and displacement.
  • Displacement is the measure of how far an objects travels.
  • 74 kilometers southeast is an example of displacement.
  • 100 kilometers per hour is an example of distance.
  • Once you pull an object, you apply force on it.
  • Applying a balanced amount of force is need to make an object move.
  • Gravity is a factor to consider in the weight of an object.
  • Energy is the ability and capacity to do work.
  • When a force that is applied on an object moves that object, work is being done.
  • Force does not cause any object to move nor stop, change speed and direction, nor change shape and size.
  • Which is the primary source of heat?
  • Which of the following appliances converts electricity to heat energy?
  • Which of the following is the tool that is used to measure temperature?
  • Which is classified as a non-renewable source of energy?
  • Which is the energy of moving particles?
  • What do you call energy coming from the sun?
  • Why is the sun important?
  • Which of the following is an object's temperature if its particles is moving very quickly?
  • Why is the sun important to plants?
  • How are shadows produced?
  • Which of the following object will create a very prominent shadow?
  • Which is a natural source of light?
  • Sound is a form of energy caused by ___.
  • Sound travels in the form of ____.
  • Sound travels better through ____ than air.
  • ___is the loudness or softness of sound.
  • Sound travels the fastest through ____.