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PASS Review #5 (Grade 4 Science)

| See more in Earth Science

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Created Date 05.11.21
Last Updated 05.13.21
Viewed 1 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Lightning is an example of ________
  • What are amps, volts and watts?
  • Why does a lamp stop working if its power cord comes loose?
  • Why do electric power cords have metal wire inside?
  • How can you tell that magnetism and electricity are very closely related?
  • For the atom to have a positive charge, it would have to___
  • Which of the following is defined as the ability to do work?
  • Which of the following statements about energy is true?
  • What form of energy is stored in food?
  • Which of the following causes the productions of sound
  • How is sound energy different from light energy?
  • Which of the following is not mechanical energy?
  • Which of the following medium does sound travels the fastest
  • ___is the ability to cause change.
  • Energy due to motion is called ____
  • __________is stored energy
  • Which of the following transfers heat through space?
  • Which of the following transfers heat through objects that are directly touching?
  • Which of the following transfers heat through circulation of liquid and gases?
  • What kind of heat transfer happens when the sun is heating your body?
  • What kind of heat transfer happens when you burn your hand by touching a fire?
  • How does heat transfer happens?
  • What is a contact force?
  • Which of the following is not a type of contact force?
  • What is non-contact force?
  • Which of the following are types of non-contact force?