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Name That Respiratory Disease

| See more in Health Science

by looking at the symptoms and treatment - name the diagnosis

Created Date 05.11.21
Last Updated 05.13.21
Viewed 39 Times
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  • A 43 year old woman complains of sinus pressure, nasal drainage, sore throat and fatigue for approx 4 days. She denies fever. Her throat culture was negative for strep. Her blood work indicates a viral infection. What is her most likely diagnosis?
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  • A 25 year old male presents at the clinic with fever, sore throat, body aches, and extreme fatigue. He says he felt fine this morning and after lunch felt terrible. His strep culture is negative. What is his most likely diagnosis?
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  • Tristan is a 42 year old male who works as an Activities Director at a Nursing Home. He has not been feeling well for a few weeks. He reports he has been coughing frequently. His cough regularly produces mucus, but also contains blood. He also reports being fatigued, feverish, & often wakes during the night drenched in sweat. Diagnosis?