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Chapter 7 - Physics

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Gabrielle Quinones

Created Date 07.02.21
Last Updated 07.12.21
Viewed 2 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • What is a mental category that groups objects, activities, abstractions, or qualities having common properties?
  • What is an integrated mental network of knowledge, beliefs, and expectations concerning a particular aspect of the world?
  • What is a mental processes occurring outside of conscious awareness but accessible to consciousness when necessary?
  • What is a rule of thumb that suggests a course of action or guides problem solving but does not guarantee an optimal solution?
  • What is learning that occurs when you acquire knowledge without being aware of how you did so and without being able to state exactly what you have learned?
  • Who thought from a scientific standpoint, insight probably involves different stages of mental processing?
  • What is the drawing of conclusions or inferences from observations, facts, or assumptions?
  • Who provided a large, diverse sample of adolescents and adults with statements describing opposing viewpoints on various topics?
  • What is the tendency to consult one’s emotions instead of estimating probabilities objectively?
  • What is the tendency to judge the probability of a type of event by how easy it is to think of examples or instances?
  • What is the the tendency to overestimate one’s ability to have predicted an event after the outcome is known?
  • What is a general intellectual ability assumed by many theorists to underlie specific mental abilities and talents?
  • What is a measure of development expressed in terms of the average mental ability at a given age?
  • What is the knowledge or awareness of one’s own cognitive processes, and the ability to monitor and control them?
  • What is the study of cognitive processes in nonhuman animals?