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Medical & Surgical Procedures Tic-Tac-Toe

| See more in Health Science

Match the procedure to the correct description

Created Date 07.07.21
Last Updated 07.13.21
Viewed 4 Times
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Topics of this game:
  • Procedure that looks inside the lungs with a scope to find causes of lung problems.
  • A machine that moves air in and out of the lungs.
  • A flexible tube inserted into the pleural space of the lung to create negative pressure, allowing re-expansion of the lung
  • Using a scope to directly place a tube into the trachea to keep the patient's airway patent (open & clear).
  • A surgically made hole through the neck into the windpipe.
  • A procedure to remove fluid from the space between the pleura and the wall of the chest.
  • Procedure maintaining circulation and breathing for someone whose heart has stopped, until paramedics arrive.
  • A hand held device that the patient uses to expand the lungs and to prevent pneumonia or help lung recovery.
  • Surgical procedure to remove a lung.